Many new school directors believe they will be able to affect change rapidly, and that naivety stems from a misunderstanding of the laws and regulations that govern schools. Schools are absolutely and thoroughly intended to be stable cornerstones of the community. The legislature wisely has provided each school with a buttress against changes in public opinion. Change can happen, but it requires thoughtful consistent work across many years.
As a school director I've had the opportunity to guide and foster the school district over the past 5 years. One of my guiding principles is working hard to attain grant funding (other peoples money) and keep our tax burden low. Some accomplishments I'm proud of are:
When I joined the school board the Kettle Falls District's ending fund balance (as a percentage of monthly expenditures) wasn't great. It's improved each year I have been on the board. I'm a strong proponent of a healthly balance sheet and ensuring that Kettle Falls schools are here for the long run.
Kettle Falls was a awarded a huge grant to invest its shop and technology spaces. Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has reaped many benefits from this grant in the High School.
The High School roof is/has reached its end of life and we are working to replace it. The upper main building was causing the most problems and has been replaced. The area over the shop and above the administration offices are next on the list.
Boise Cascade, the Bulldog Booster club, and private donations allowed replacement of the lighting with high efficiency LED lights in the Middle School gym.
As part of a collation of Bulldog Booster club, Lady Lions, Boise Cascade and private donations we were able to replace aging pads in the Middle School gym.
Our scoreboards (in both gyms) were no longer functioning properly and the lights (old incandescent bulbs) are no longer available for replacement. Boise Cascade generously donated the ones in the Middle School, and the district is partnering with the Bulldog Booster club to replace the High School one.
An Avista grant allowed us to build a solar array to offset much of the Middle School energy usage saving significant monies each year.
The Elementary School roof has reached its end of life and has been replaced. Schools should be safe, warm and dry!
The High School gym floor had not been sanded down and refinished since it was first installed in the 80s. The Middle School gym floor has been sanded down and refinished multiple times and now is so thin it can't be refinished again. Recently, its been cracking/shifting and is becoming a tripping/splinter safety hazard. It's scheduled to be completely replaced April 1st (due to contractor availability)
This is an expansion of our offerings that allow our HS staff to offer fully accredited courses in conjuntion with Eastern Washington University and Central Washington University. Mya has taken several classes this way.
A new fire suppression system was added with grant monies, that adds a factor of safety to our elementary school.
The district has been slowly paving its parking lots to make them safer and easier to maintain.
As a parent of young children I recognized a lack of early child care in Kettle Falls. Our family used private caregivers, and a church preschool. When the concept of moving the district office out of the old Meyers Falls School building was presented and creating an Early Learning Center (with grant monies) I was a strong proponent. I think this investment really improves the childcare situation here in our town.
The Co-Op allows the district to reduce its costs, share its drivers, and improve its reimbursement from the State of Washington, and has allowed us to no longer lose about 100k per year.
In order to offer an Early Learning Center the district chose to move out of its original location in the Meyers Falls School building. They've been in a small leased office space for the past 5 years. The district has been actively looking for a location that fit their staff and now have a new space that works well.