Here is the FAQs as handed out at the last school board meeting.
To the Parents of the Kettle Falls School District
We hear your concerns and would like to answer some key points of discussion that have been brought to the forefront during our recent interactions.
Where do we stand on CRT?
There have been many claims that a recently passed law (SB 5044) required critical race theory training for school board members and administrators. SB 5044 has absolutely no critical race theory component - none. CRT is not a “subject” taught in our schools. We understand the concern of parents and will not be teaching using this philosophy in any of our classes. The law requires school board directors and administrators to be trained in the cultural norms of various minority groups so that they can better communicate with students and families. It basically teaches how to not offend others by unknowingly speaking or behaving in a way that would be considered rude in other cultures. Nothing in this law requires people to be taught to hate America, as has been claimed. Nothing in the law gives anyone any advantage or disadvantage based on race. Here is a link to the 12 page law as passed and signed by the governor:
What are we doing to ensure CRT is not being taught in our classes?
We are actively checking our curriculum before it gets in the hands of students.
What is Social Emotional Learning - SEL?
OSPI defines SEL as a process through which individuals build awareness and skills in managing emotions, setting goals, establishing relationships, and making responsible decisions that support success in school and life. SEL Standards adoption letter signed.pdf ( SEL has been an integral part woven in the fabric of public education since the very beginning. As and example, it is widely known that a child learns better when he/she is not hungry. More information on SEL.
What is our stance on the Sex Ed law?
We have heard the parents concerns and wishes. Senate Bill 5395 was voted on and passed by Washington Voters. The outcome of the bill allows us to and we have selected the most conservative curriculum available, which is the same approach we have taken historically in the KFSD. We understand your concerns and will be diligent in giving parents the ability to see what is being taught prior to the classes. Parents will have the ability to “opt out” their child if they so choose. Please see supporting information on Senate Bill 5395 below.
Mandate vs. law, what is the difference?
A mandate is just a word that some use to refer to an order in a proclamation issued by the governor in a state of emergency. A law is just a word used to refer to something that was passed by the senate and house of representatives and signed by the governor. A law and a mandate have the same power to be enforced. The only difference is how it came to be. A law is passed by the senate and the house of representatives and signed by the governor. A mandate is made by the governor, with the power given to them by the legislature in a state of emergency. Overall, a mandate has the same effect as a law. Health officers in the state have said everyone must comply with the Governor's mandate, which makes the mandate enforceable by health officers and police.
Will kids be required to wear mask?
This mandate has been passed by the Governor and we as a school district have little grounds to object. We have been actively working with other school districts as well as senators and lawyers on how we can effectively function as a school district. We are asking parents to voice concerns about these mandates by emailing your senators and state representative! (emails provided below)
What about the Vaccine mandate?
This is in the process of being finalized, and we as a school district can only do so much. We are working with other districts to appeal this mandate, but we truly need your help to do so. We believe in Freedom of Choice. If you have concerns about the vaccine mandate, you can email the governor or please email the two Union presidents below and state your disapproval of these mandates.
Union Presidents
Larry Delaney President WEA
Mike Yestramski President WFSE