Edwards family

A sitdown with Rep. Jacqueline Macumber

By Tyler Edwards · August 20, 2021

Representative Macumber took time to meet with a group of Kettle Falls folks. I'd voiced some frustration with 'ham handed' mandates coming from Olympia. She had some interesting points to make:

  1. We are getting what we earned. Eighteen months ago, Governor Inslee declared a state of emergency, which allows him to usurp the legislature and right 'mandates' that have the force of law. Sixteen months ago, a bill was put forward to limit the scope of the emergency declaration. It failed along party lines. She noted that last night she got 3000 emails about the vaccine and mask mandates, but had 10 emails when trying to limit the scope of the governor's emergency declaration. Had that many emails come in, the legislature might have had the political will to restore some balance within the branches of state government.

  2. No one person, be they Democrat or Republican should wield as much power as Governor Inslee does right now. He alone calls special sessions, declares emergencies, or suspends emergency declarations. Our governor has broader powers that most state governors. We should aim to return to co-equal branches of governance.

  3. Vote. Many of the Seattle areas vote at 90%. Yakima county votes at 30%. Stevens county isn't much higher. We cannot affect change without voting!