Edwards family

A Vision for Kettle Falls School District

By Tyler Edwards · October 13, 2021

I got my first professional job right out of college. The hiring manager said 'the location isn't great, but we will pay you well'. Two years later, I had married my wife Kerri, and moved into the Mead School District. A few years later my daughter Mya was born. As I held her I started to think about where I wanted her to go to school and what experiences I wanted her to have. It wasn't long after that we moved to Kettle Falls... the desire to know our neighbors and be able to impact the good of the community brought us back to the area. We wanted our children to be raised and educated in a small school environment.

My vision for the school district, the community, and my kids really stem from those original thoughts as I held an infant daughter (she is now seventeen).

We should build the strongest, best school, community and kids we can. We should work diligently to improve our academic rigor, better our facilities, encourage our kids to become better leaders, competitors and people. We should teach them to positively impact their communities and do the hard work of making a difference. We should give them the opportunity to enjoy Homecoming dances, community parades, and awesome crowds at sporting events. We should let them partake in all the good the Kettle Falls community offers!